The Massachusetts College of Art and Design


The 2024 Boston Printmakers Student Exhibition

Show Dates:  September 23 – October 12, 2024 

Opening Reception: Saturday, September 28, 2024

Deadline for digital submissions of student work: Monday, April 29 

Each school should do a preliminary jurying to select a group of strong prints. There is no minimum or maximum number of prints that can be sent by each school.  The Boston Printmakers Board will make the final selections, based on the quality of the work and on available space.

Online registration is through We will begin accepting entries starting April 15 and will close submissions on April 29 at midnight. ArtCall allows changes to your submissions until the deadline. 

Each university or college must select one key contact person.  That person will be the point person between The Boston Printmakers and their school’s participants.  

That person will submit all of the student work for the school and receive communication via email back from The Boston Printmakers as to which prints will be included in the exhibit, detailed information about delivery of prints, etc.

The person responsible for submitting student work must register and enter a user profile in ArtCall.  The following information will be requested:

  • First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number of the person submitting all the work for your school.
    • Make sure email is entered correctly.  This email will be used to communicate regarding each print submitted. Phone number will only be used if necessary.
  • Name of College or University

Each print submitted through ArtCall must have:

  • Category - choose “Printmaking”
  • Title
  • Dimensions (inches) H x W x D
  • Medium - Note: Schools may submit images of student prints in all printmaking mediums, including printed books and printed 3-D objects.
  • Student’s name (Last, First)
  • Student’s Program: Undergrad or graduate 
  • How the print will be presented if accepted:
    • covered by plexi (responsibility of school), will be hung with “L” pins, 
    • “naked”, will be hung with magnets, or 
    • 3-D.
  • Value is optional and is for information purposes only.  There will be no sales through the MassArt Galleries or The Boston Printmakers.  Any sales will be handled independently and directly through the participating school’s print department.
  • No insurance is provided, though the work will be handled with care and respect.  You must agree to the “no insurance” release during the ArtCall entry process.

After entering the text fields above for each print and clicking on “Submit Entry Details->”, you will be prompted to attach the JPEG image (drag and drop or attach file).  The JPEGs should be good quality and sized between a minimum of 960 to a maximum of 1920 pixels on the longer side.

An important technical note when entering JPEGS: 

On the mini-pop-up screen that says “Success - Entry Submitted”

Click on “Got It!”  

DO NOT click on “+Add Additional Image”.  

After clicking on “Got It!”, you will be returned to the page of your submissions and you will be able to click on “Add New Submission+” to enter more student work.

Announcement of accepted work will be sent by May 6.  

Each school’s “registered user” will receive an email regarding each print submitted: “accepted” or “not included.”  You will also be able to print labels that must be attached to the back of each work.

Accepted work should be stored by each school for delivery to MassArt in the fall.

Along with the student work from each college or university, there will be an opportunity in the exhibition to highlight the unique aspects of the printmaking program and faculty at each school.


There will also be awards for individual student prints and materials distributed to each participating school through the generosity of our sponsors. More on both of these to follow in later communications.

Prints will be delivered by hand to MassArt on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

You will be able to print labels for each print from your ArtCall account (if you hadn’t done so already). Prizes will be determined through on-site jurying from the original prints after the delivery date.

The exhibit will open September 23 and close on October 12.

Prints are to be picked up by each school on Sunday, October 13.

Summary of Important Dates:

  • Entry process opens: Monday, April 15
  • Submission process closes: Monday, April 29
  • Schools notified of works to be included: Latest, Monday, May 6
  • Hand-delivery of work: Saturday, September 14 (Time TBA)
  • Show opens: Monday, September 23
  • Artists’ reception: Saturday, September 28 (Time TBA)
  • Show closes: Saturday, October 12
  • Pickup of artwork: Sunday, October 13 (Time TBA)

Please confirm by return email that you have received this prospectus and direct any questions to the Boston Printmakers Student Exhibition Team at:

User Entry Process Tutorial

For a quick turorial on the submission process, you can view this video.